The Pantera Place
"Your de Tomaso Connection"How To Use The List Server
By Mike Dailey
One of the great things about the Internet is the instant interactive information exchange with other Pantera owners through the de Tomaso E-mail forum. In 1996 Shane Ingate, one of our fellow PI members, saw a need for a de Tomaso E-mail forum and set up a forum system on a friend’s web server. The word got out about his forum and soon he had over 160 E-mail subscribers. The early forum software was a little bumpy so Shane got hooked up with Andy Poling, another PI member who volunteered to host the system on one of his web servers. In the Fall of 1997, the forum was moved to Andy’s system where it currently resides. Andy Poling hosts this system at his own expense and deserves a lot of thanks from the de Tomaso community for the great service he provides to all of us. Andy provides the web hosting and technical support for the system and is the list administrator. In August of 2001 Andy upgraded the system to Pipermail 0.05 (Mailman edition) and moved the system to a new server.
The forum is used by experienced Pantera owners for discussion, as well as soon to be owners that want to learn more about the Pantera and new owners looking for technical help. It’s a great place to share information and get answers to your questions.
There are a number of ways to use the E-mail forum commonly referred to as the "de Tomaso list server". The easiest is to "subscribe" your E-mail address to the de Tomaso list server. You will then start receiving E-mails every time someone sends an E-mail or responds to the forum E-mail. The list server provides options that allow you to receive mail real time or in a daily digest. A lot of information is flowing on the forum so it works best if you can get your messages often. That way you can participate in the discussions and share your thoughts with the forum members.
The other way to follow the forum is to review the list server archive. As the E-mail is exchanged on the forum, the messages are stored in the archive and updated every hour. To use the list server archive you do not need to be subscribed to the forum. You just go to the list server archive, select the month of the year for the messages that you want to review and the list of the messages that are in order by date with the subject line will be displayed. Before you can send a message, you must be subscribed to the list server. This subscription is required to prevent junk mail from being sent to the list server.
The following is the URL and E-mail address used for access to the de Tomaso list server:
The list server archive web page is at:
This page also contains the instructions on how to subscribe. There are two archives, the original and a new system that started in August 0f 2001. All new messages are archived in the new system.To subscribe to the list follow the link: This web page has the instructions on how to subscribe and requires that you establish a password.
To send a message to the forum group use the E-mail address This address is used for sending messages to the forum but you must be subscribed before the list server will accept your message.Stop by the de Tomaso E-mail forum and join in on the discussions with your fellow de Tomaso Pantera enthusiasts! As of February 2000, there were almost 400 people subscribed, and probably quite a few more people that just follow the messages in the archive.